Manutención automatizada - Equipments
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We have a wide range of peripherals to fully automate the raw material maintenance processes in processing machines for the plastics transformation industry and the chemical, pharmaceutical and food sectors.


The Vibrating Base type BIG-BAG UNLOADER makes big-bag discharge a simple and safe operation, guaranteeing powder-free air and avoiding raw material wastage.

Our discharge system comprises: a height-adjustable modular structure; a base with a vibrating conical hopper; a suction pipe with filtering sleeve and a lower door to open and unload the big-bags entirely accident-free.

It can be made in different materials such as carbon or stainless steel, and comes with different accessories to make emptying the big-bags easier.

These are some of the products we can handle:

Starch, aluminium powder, rice, sawdust, oats, crystal sugar, impalpable sugar, bentonite, powdered borax, cocoa, coffee, lime, kaolin, activated carbon, shell, barley, cement, rye, different cereals, cork, dolomite, herbs and spices, fertilisers, chick peas, jelly, germ, sunflower, different grains, bone flour, fish flour, wheat and corn flour, soap powder, powdered milk, dried legumes, corn, peanut, refractory materials, soot, pellets, fodder, pigments, plastics, polycarbonates, PVC, PET, polyethylene, polypropylene, refractory products, salt, seeds, semolina, caustic soda, soya, dyes, wheat, plaster and similar products.

Hoist for lifting and placing the big-bags for unloading and pneumatic beaters to considerably speed up the big-bag emptying in the case of lumpy products.

Possibility of placing pneumatic or mechanical conveying systems on the discharge outlet to push the content on to the production line.
